Monday, October 21, 2013


Playing catch up here, I started on Q4 last week but never got around to writing down my thoughts and finishing.  It seems Q3 got my brain all in a tangle thinking about the mathematical significance of prime numbers.  So instead of continuing my slog, I took a detour down the rabbit hole of analytic number theory which ended (for now) in reading Prime Obsession, which is a fantastic account of what many consider the most famous unsolved mathematics problem in existence today (still, after 150+ years).  Excellent read historically, as well as mathematically, for those who enjoy a good story and even moreso a good problem. Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming....

Q4A1: I like the concept of perfection being that which lacks nothing in actuality as related to potentiality.  Never thought of it quite like that, and it puts the burden of perfection in nature back squarely on understanding first what something is in its essence, which we rarely do.

Q4A2:  Pure Thomas here.  I cannot fathom any circumstance in which I would have thought to ask this question, nor spend as much as a few seconds consideration of it.  But here it is in all of its logical glory.

Q4A3: The Catholic brain here is nodding.  Of course the created can be "like" God, only insofar as it imitates God.  Fatherhood, Priesthood, Teaching, etc....the essence of which, for us, lies in how they imitate and partake of the one nature of those things in God.  Ergo, man's likeness in relation to God derives from how man is created to imitate God in holiness/sanctity?


  1. I am sure Derbyshire is a delight to read on that subject too.
